Thursday, July 7, 2011

Gunnar Has Two Daddies

Okay. So. Um. I think that I want to have a kid. It is crazy. I should NOT have a child. I know this. I am a pretty decent uncle, but I would be a very crappy parent. So, I know that the best thing for a child of mine would be not to be born. But now, I get to live with another regret... well, later in life, I suppose regret never having children of my own.

Just one thing, and then I will shut the shit up. I know I would be a horrible parent, because I dont want a child. I want a son. A baby girl would just piss me off, and I would be disappointed that she was not a boy. Why do that to a baby? No. I want a son.

I have named him. My son is Gunnar Dade Murphy. But he will never exist.