Friday, April 2, 2010

Still learning about people

I think that I have no idea about people in general. Scratch that. I know that I know nothing about people and about how to interact with them. I think that is why, for the most part, I will sit back, listen, and observe when I am confronted with a new person. It is really awkward.

Today, I learned a valuable lesson (again). Do not assume that another person thinks of you in the same way that you think of him or her. For the most part, someone can figure out a general idea about what someone else thinks of him or her through interacting with that person. I end up falling for my usual trap of reading way too much into things, which always comes up at some point or another to bite me in the ass.

Anyway, a bit of background into what I am getting at here. I used to carpool to work with a friend of mine and his wife. A couple months ago, they moved away, and I was forced to find another way to get to work. Not a big deal. I could drive and pay to park. But I discovered that I could take the bus to work from my place relatively easily. I did this several times in the snowy times this winter, and I would get a ride home from another coworker who lives near to my place.

So, once my friends moved, I talked to this other coworker, and I asked her that if I took the bus in the morning all the time if I could get a ride home with her. She said that I could except if it was nice out and she happened to ride her bike to work. Sure, no problem for me. I can take the bus home on those days. No worries.

Anyway, today was a relatively low-key day at work. And a lot of my hard core work was done earlier than I had plan (mostly because my long/difficult experiment I had planned to do fell through). So, I was done with all my stuff around 4 or 430pm. Usually, my coworker and I would leave whenever her boyfriend (who works across campus, lives with her, and carpools as well) was done working (or rather, once both of them were done); this usually involves us leaving between 545 and 630. So, once I was done with my labwork, I sat at my desk and worked on computer stuff and farted around on the internet, basically trying to figure out some things with my project and killing time until they were ready to head home.

So, around 620 or so, she starts packing up her stuff (a little odd, since usually, she will give me a 10/15 minute warning). I start packing my shit up too to get ready to go. And she turns to me and says that she rode her bike today.

Seriously? You couldnt have told me that earlier in the day? If I knew that I was going to be taking the bus home, I would have left two hours earlier! In the grand scheme of things, it is not a big deal. But where is the common courtesy? I ride home with them every day. Today was the first day that she has ridden her bike to work since it got warmer out. Was I supposed to read her mind and know that there was no ride home? Anyway, I was pissed off, so I just took my bottle of water to the kitchen to put it in the fridge so I could cool off and give her time to get out of there so I could be angry.

Now, hours later, I am not all that angry. But this did make me think. I thought we were friends. And I think that I was thinking things between us were more than friendly coworkers, but I think that I was wrong. But I may be wrong about this realization as well.


In other news, I have been meaning to post a LOT of things to get them out of my head. But, honestly, the activation energy for me to do so has just been too great. I have been having the most horrible time this week regrouping from my conference trip last week. I am jet lagged, I guess. And this has just exacerbated my sleeping issues. I am exhausted all the time, which does not really make for me being productive.

So that is where things stand. Pretty much status quo here. Hating my life, but too lazy/apathetic to actually do anything about it. I am miserable and stuck.

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